Saturday 23 May 2015

#NoKylieJennerChallenge goes viral: 'Love what you've got!' Teens hit back at controversial Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge.

The truth: Kylie Jenner recently admitted to having lip fillers, leading to the new social media trend #NoKylieJennerchallege where users post photos to celebrate their natural lips
Teenagers around the world are taking a stand against the now-infamous Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, by celebrating their natural features as part of a new social media campaign. 
It may have taken months for her to come clean, but it seems that 17-year-old Kylie’s confession that her infamous pout is indeed the work of lip fillers has mercifully putting an end to the disturbing #KylieJennerchallenge that saw teens attempt to mimic her swollen pout by putting a cup, jar or shot glass over their mouths and sucking in the air to create a vacuum. The results were disastrous and painful for many who tried. 
But since 17-year-old Kylie's revelation, a new trend has begun sweeping social media called #NoKylieJennerchallenge - and this latest trend comes with a brilliant message.
Social media users from diverse backgrounds are showing off their natural assets with the hashtag, promoting body positivity and self-acceptance.
Both men and women with big and little pouts are taking part in the positive challenge, with one selfie poster writing: 'Don't forget, these are the features they tried to teach you to hate.' 
Another girl commented alongside her sefie: ‘Rock what ya got! [sic]’
Some people taking part in the new campaign have noted how long it took them to learn to love their natural pout, be it because they felt it was too small – or too big.
‘It took me awhile but I now love my full lips that I got from my family [sic],’ one girl commented.
Other participants preferred to let the hashtag speak for itself.
And while some people posed completely naturally, a few chose to put on a pouty face, no doubt paying homage to the puffed-up lips that Kylie has become famous for.
Before Kylie's admission there was wide speculation over just how the teenager was achieving her plumped up look. Some argued it was simply a trick with makeup - using lip liner to over-line the lips and make them appear fuller - and others thought she was simply pushing her lips out naturally for photos.
But the speculation eventually led to the worrying popularity of the #KylieJennerchallenge that saw dozens of teens attempt the painful procedure of using cups to make their lips swell to several times their natural size.
The method worked by causing blood to rush to the lips and reportedly has effects that last for hours. 
Many who tried were left with bruised, discolored lips and plenty of regret. Some even caused their lips to split and bleed in the process.
'Made my chin look like a hickey a week ago and I'll say I've never felt so dumb,' wrote one teen. 
The challenge led to many teens with long-lasting deformed lips that were badly bruised

Kylie Jenner, who had previously denied having any form of plastic surgery, lifted the veil on her worst-kept secret during an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians
'I have had temporary lip fillers,' she admitted in the episode. 'It's just something that I wanted to do.' 
Self love: This Twitter user opened up about coming to terms with her insecurities and accepting her genesA bit of a push: Some users encouraged others to not take Kylie Jenner's route and to just accept the natural lips that they haveNo jars needed: This tweeter also broadcasts her acceptance message by using the hashtagTrue form: Social media users are showing off their natural pouts with the hashtag #NoKylieJennerchallenge to promote body positivity in the wake of Kylie Jenner's admission to using lip fillersA great message: Several participants used the opportunity to inspire others with snippets of body-confident wisdomPutting on the pout: Some of the people posting in the new trend are showing off lipstick while others go all naturalNot just the ladies: Male users are also participating in the trend, taking pride in their real poutsWinning the battle: The new trend brought out stories of body positivity from people who had niggles about themselves that they wanted to change, but rather chose acceptanceKeeping it natural: The participants in the new trend have both big and little pouts that they show off with prideJust to show: Not all the participants felt they needed to pose with a poutEnough said: Most of those posting preferred to let the hashtag speak for itself, writing nothing else in the caption

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