Sunday, 14 June 2015

Crazy moment woman realizes she's wearing exactly the same outfit... as the floor

The hilarious photograph has been more than a million times since being uploaded just 12 hours ago

Bumping into someone wearing the same outfit is considered by many to be the ultimate fashion faux pas. But how about realising you have matched your clothes with the floor?
This young woman walked into a room and discovered that her two-tone dress blended perfectly with the rug she was standing on and the patterned linoleum below.
But rather than dash home for a quick wardrobe change, the woman saw the funny side of the situation and lay down to document the hilarious moment in a picture.
The hilarious photograph has been more than a million times since being uploaded just 12 hours agoThe photograph was uploaded to photo sharing website Imgur just 12 hours ago and has since had more than a million views.
The top part of the woman's sleeveless maxi dress, covered in a dappled multi-coloured print, matches what appears to be the linoleum floor.

While the bottom part of the garment, made from a more flowing fabric, is the exact same colour of blue as the carpet.
She is also seen with her hands over her face - perhaps wanting to keep her identity secret from the fashion police.

Staged or pure coincidence??



  1. Which yeye coincidence? Staged!

  2. Wondering what stupid thing I can do for Internet hype...any ideas anyone?

  3. Definitely staged. Who are they fooling? Mscheew!

    1. I tire o *more mcshewwww *
