Monday, 20 July 2015

‘Ciara and Russell Are About as Phony as a Three Dollar Bill’- Wendy Williams

Talk show guru Wendy Williams weighed in on the  relationship between  Ciara and Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson on her popular daytime talk show today.
Like the rest of us, Wendy doesn’t think this union will last.

Calling Ciara and Russell “opportunists,” Wendy agreed with Ciara’s ex-boyfriend, rapper Future Hendrix, who criticized Ciara for bringing a man around their 1-year-old son, Future Zahir Wilburn, after knowing him for only a few months.
Addressing Ciara directly, Wendy looked at the camera and said, “I feel that you are not into this dude like that, and that you are using [Russell] as an opportunity to stay out here because people aren’t buying music.
Then Wendy addressed Russell, calling him a narcissistic opportunist who craves the limelight: “Russell, you are equally opportuning on [Ciara] because it’s off-season in football, and you kinda might like to be on a red carpet with a beautiful woman.”
Recalling Russell’s statement that he and Ciara are remaining celibate until their wedding, Wendy said that’s all part of Ciara and Russell’s strategy to stay relevant.
“Isn’t that something between a couple?” she asked her audience who enthusiastically agreed.
“Young adults say they’re not having sex, and that’s fine,” said Wendy. “Like, if you’re 18 dating an 18-year-old, or if you’re 22, or whatever. But you [two] aren’t even any virgins… Okay! So, please…”
Wendy advised Ciara and Russell to keep their personal lives private.
“Don’t go to the mall together for people to see you and judge you; and don’t go on red carpets together for people to see you and judge you. ‘Cause were seeing you and we’re judging you, and I think this relationship is about as phony as a three dollar bill!”
Wendy also accused Ciara of using her and Future’s son for publicity and as a means of getting back at Future for abandoning her at the alter.
Wendy compared Ciara to other narcissists like LaLa Anthony and Kim Kardashian who will do anything for attention.

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