Saturday, 29 August 2015

A restuarant where nude women are used as fruit platters..


Another day, another nudity scandal.
This time, though, it’s at a place you wouldn’t expect: a restaurant.
Apparently, the Cruise Bar in Sydney thought it would be a good idea to serve fruit on naked women’s bodies.
Unsurpisingly, people weren’t too thrilled — not only because of the implied sexism, but because of the hygienic violations that come with serving food on a person’s naked body.
Pretty gross, right?
Social media, of course, exploded with negative reactions:

People weren’t too thrilled with the spectacle.

This is the display tonight at the Sydney Overseas Passenger Terminal Cruise Bar - unacceptable. #destroythejoint
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Dan and Maz @DanAndMaz

Here are the flicks from the #CruiseBar launch last night with a nude ladies draped in food.... #NOPE


  1. What a stupid idea and that's what you get when you ask people to think outside the box smdh
