Monday, 30 November 2015

#Drama over Annie Idibia's sculpted nails..

Annie was quick to advertise honeybeesignature nail art she had done on her nails on her social media handle and it backfired when a fight ensued between her fans over her ''bleaching''


  1. I don't think she bleaches it's just the unfortunate case of not being an ajebo probably used to cook with firewood or kerosene stove while growing up

  2. It's just disgusting how pity we can be over things that don't matter!

  3. This is what change has caused. No job; no fuel; no money, no work why won't people be full of hate and drinking panadol on top of someone's bleached hands? I blame change

  4. Jokes apart.annies fingers are like roasted suya. She needs to fix em asap!
