The Housemates sat in two camps in the late afternoon, with Debie-Rise and TBoss in the lounge and Bally, Bisola, Efe and Marvis outside and each camp talked about the other.
Debie-Rise and TBoss talked discussed who they felt was the strongest competitors in the House, as well as predicted who would Nominate who tonight. Nothing strange there, as Biggie introduced a game changer last night, saying they could discuss Nominations.
On Wednesday housemates will choose one of the nominated housemates to save.
Tboss nominated Efe and Marvis
Bisola nominated Tboss and Debbie rise
Marvis nominated Tboss and Debbie rise
Bally nominated Tboss and Debbie rise
Debbie rise nominated Marvis and Efe
Efe nominated Debbie Rise and Tboss
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