Meet Laura Fernee, a 33-year-old academic who claims she was hounded out of her work because of her beauty.
Fernee, who has a PhD and worked as a scientific researcher, has been unemployed for two years and now lives with her parents, who very kindly pay for her flat, shopping and expenses – to the tune of £2,000 a month.
They also pay her £700 monthly hairdressing bill.
Fernee, who is penning a book on her ordeal, appeared on This Morning, to talk about her plight, explaining she underwent “some negative situations relating to how I looked”, leaving her “quite traumatised.”
In her clipped accent, she added: “And in the end, as much as I loved my work, going in to work became very, very difficult because of the psychological impact on me.”
She recalled one particularly heinous incident which saw one of her professors advise her “never to wear pearls to work” if she wanted to be taken seriously.
Fernee revealed her male colleagues were solely interested in her appearance.
“I wanted them to recognise my achievements and my professionalism but all they saw was my face and body.
“I was constantly asked out on dates, or found romantic gifts and notes at my desk. I found it sleazy and uncomfortable.
“Even when I was in a laboratory in scrubs with no make-up they still came onto me because of my natural attractiveness. There was nothing I could do to stop it.”
Fernee told the Mail: “I’m not lazy and I’m no bimbo. The truth is my good looks have caused massive problems for me when it comes to employment, so I’ve made the decision that employment just isn’t for me at the moment. It’s not my fault… I can’t help the way I look.”
‘They [other women] assumed because I was pretty, I was silly, so didn’t take me seriously at first and, because of their own insecurities, were jealous of my looks.
‘Then when they realised I was very good at my job, possibly better than them, they hated me even more.’
Miss Fernee’s parents – Catherine, 65, and Alan, 70 – inherited money from Laura’s grandfather, and now pay £2,000 a month in rent and bills for her flat in Notting Hill, London, as well as picking up her credit card payments.Her parents also pay for her credit cards, and £1,700-per-month for her designer clothes and handbags.
Miss Fernee pays £80 a week to work out at the gym and spends £1,000 a month on socialising.She said her critics were ‘underestimating just what a curse good looks can be in the workplace’.
Perhaps she ought to spare a thought for  Omar Borkan Al Gala, who was apparently deemed so ridiculously good looking he was thrown out of a country.

Is her beauty breath-taking to warrant this kinda claims or is there a lack of pretty women in the UK?:-)