Friday 13 September 2013

Young Women Who Drink Alcohol Could Increase Their Risk Of Breast Cancer

Breast Anatomy

Study reveals that the more alcohol women drink and the longer they wait to have babies could increase their risk of breast cancer.
A new study has revealed that young women who regularly drink alcohol before their first pregnancy are more likely to get breast cancer.
The study of more than 150,000 women with no history of cancer found that the risk of breast cancer is increased by 11% if 10 grams of alcohol is consumed six times a week, rather than no alcohol at all. And this correlation gets stronger the more alcohol that is consumed and the longer a girl waits before she gets pregnant.
“Limiting alcohol can pay off through reduced breast cancer risk,” said Dr Graham A Colditz, co-author of the study and professor of surgery at Washington University in St Louis.
He continued: “This interval in adolescence and young adulthood is extremely important for setting the lifetime risk for breast cancer.”
The study was published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
No more alcohol for me henceforth. Women,please try to cut down your daily alcohol intake.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Matilda,I love alcohol tho and I hve its a cancer trigger too.

  2. The fear of the C word is the beginning of medical or health wisdom

  3. Na wa more enjoyment in this life again cos everything causes cancer thesedays

  4. I tire o. Find a cure for cancer o!!!

  5. Thanks for the info,cancer its a terrible diseases. Scary!!

  6. If possible cut down on the alchohol completely.

  7. Thanks for sharing,It's difficult though but God will surly help us eat right.
