Friday 27 March 2015

The woman who cut off a foetus from a pregnant lesbian's belly won't face murder charges.

Dynel Lane Michelle Wilkins

A Colorado woman won’t face murder charges for cutting a fetus from a pregnant woman’s belly. The 7-month-old fetus died shortly after it was violently delivered.

Police say Michelle Wilkins, 26, (pictured right) responded to a Craigslist ad for baby clothes that was placed by Dynel Lane, 34.
The two women met at a Boulder, CO. home, where Lane overpowered Wilkins in the basement and used a knife to cut the fetus out of her.
Despite the loss of blood, Wilkins was able to call 911 and calmly give the 911 dispatcher a description of Lane and her vehicle.
Lane was arrested at Longmont United Hospital where she and her boyfriend took the dead baby. Lane told doctors she had a miscarriage. The ER staff became suspicious and called police after Lane refused to allow herself to be examined. Family members told police Lane faked her pregnancy for months. Her teenage daughter said her mother did not look pregnant.
Wilkins, a lesbian who planned the baby with her partner, was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday. She is resting comfortably at home.
Her family released a statement praising her.
“We cannot predict what lies ahead for Michelle,” the Wilkins family said in a statement released Wednesday. “What we can say is that we have all been deeply moved by the many people who have reached out to Michelle and her partner to share their own personal stories of tragedies they’ve endured and how they managed to first just survive and then eventually start to heal. That alone has given us the strength to get up and face each day.”

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