Would You Dare To Bare?When would you let a new boyfriend see you without make-up?

Would YOU dare to bare? Eighty person of women wait a whole month before letting their boyfriend see them without make-up 
Baring all: How long did it take the usually glamorous Kim Kardashian to bare her make-up free face to Kanye West? Baring all: How long did it take the usually glamorous Kim Kardashian to bare her make-up free face to Kanye West?

Model make-up: Kate Moss is often spotted out and about without make-up Model make-up: Kate Moss is often spotted out and about without make-up
 Eighty person of women wait a whole month before letting their boyfriend see them without make-up

A whopping staggering 80 per cent wait at least an entire month before letting a new lover see them without make-up, according to the latest survey.
And it seems that women will go to extreme lengths to impress with more than a third of women deliberately getting up before their new boyfriend to secretly apply make-up before he wakes up because they do not dare to go bare in the first flushes of love.
A further 60 per cent of women use a simple trick and don't even take their make-up off when they sleep with a new beau.
The latest findings prove how women are extremely reluctant and insecure to let a new man see them without make-up until they have really got to know them.
Almost one in five (17 per cent) wait as long as two months, 16 per cent wait three to six months, 8 per cent keep up the flawless face facade for a whole year and 3 per cent never, ever let their man see them without their slap.
The survey also revealed that 20 per cent of women sneak off to touch up their make-up on the first night they had slept with a new lover.
Almost one in five said they had used the same trick in the first six months of a new relationship.

When asked why they wouldn’t want a man to see them without make-up, the majority (58 per cent) said they just look better with their slap on, 28 per cent said they wouldn’t feel as confident, 12 per cent said they won’t be desired as much and 2 per cent went as far to say that their man might end the relationship.

Over three-quarters of women feel that society expects women to wear make-up and 68 per cent of women feel ‘naked’ without their slap.
Just 27 per cent would be happy to go to work without make-up and almost a third of women insist upon wearing make-up to the gym.
A quarter of women refuse to even go to their local shop without first putting on their slap and just 5 per cent of women would go on a date without make-up.
Women are happier to go make-up free around female friends rather than their male friends with just over a third of women admitting they wouldn’t be happy to go make-up free around male friends, while only 10 per cent felt the same in female company.