Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Your cellfone addiction could be ruining your relationship.

A woman using a Blackberry phone to send and receive emails and text messages over the Internet.

The mobile phone is not nicknamed the Crackberry for nothing.

Researchers have found that constantly checking for messages is an addiction which like other drugs can ruin your personal relationships.

The survey shows that young adults spend up to seven hours a day interacting with communication technology and their behaviour can spill over into a problem.
For some it can become a compulsion and others feel feelings of withdrawal when they are not with their phone.
It is also extremely annoying to those around them.

Cellfone addiction is a serious problem and most times the victims are in denial.

The addiction has even been given a name – Nomophobia is the term created by British researchers in 2008 to identify people who experience anxiety when they have no access to mobile technology.
A previous study showed that young people are now so addicted to their mobile phones it feels like they have lost a limb when they are without them.
Some said they felt so bereft without their iPhone or Blackberry that it evokes similar feelings to the "phantom limb" syndrome suffered by amputees.
The findings, by the University of Maryland, show the growing reliance that the younger generation has on technology and how it has become central to their lives.

Dr James Roberts, of Baylor's Hankamer School of Business, in Texas, said that the “instant messaging” addiction was driven by “materialism and impulsiveness”.
"Mobile phones are a part of our consumer culture,” Dr Roberts said.
"They are not just a consumer tool, but are used as a status symbol. They're also eroding our personal relationships."
He said getting hooked on a mobile is similar to other addictions.

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