Thursday, 30 May 2013

American Civil Rights Activist, Jesse Jackson commends Jonathan’s transparency.

The American civil rights activists says Nigeria is sailing in the right course.
American civil rights activist, Jesse Jackson, after listening in on the presentation of the mid-term report of the transformation agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan, described the latter’s administration as transparent and unequalled in contemporary democracy.
Mr. Jackson, subsequently, urged Nigerians to rally round him in order to entrench democracy and good governance in Nigeria.
Apparently impressed by the achievements listed in the president’s report, Mr. Jackson said with the mid-term report, it is obvious that the ship of the Nigerian nation is sailing in the right course and should be supported by every Nigerian.
The American activist noted that the entire black race in the world has so much expectations from Nigeria as the most populous black Nation on earth and these expectations have to be justified through the implementation of programs which will improve quality of lives and inspire citizens to be productive.
He urged Nigerians to remain positive about their country and uphold its “ideals” at all times.
Speaking in the same vein, former head of the interim government in Liberia, Amos Sawyer, commended Nigeria’s leading role in peace keeping operations in Africa and urged political leaders to bury their differences especially at moments of National challenges.
Speaking earlier at the event, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Pius Anyim, said the Jonathan administration has enlarged the space for public discourse and dissent which are the hallmark of democratic governance.
Mr. Anyim explained that the President has given practical expression to the principles of checks and balances in government adding that “Mr. Presidents’ uncommon restraint at the face of many challenges is a manifestation of a great desire to deepen democratic culture in all aspects of our National life.”
The Minister of Finance and coordinating minister of the economy, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who gave a general over view of accomplishments in the Transformation Agenda said the fact that Nigeria’s economy is attracting great attention of investors worldwide is an indication that the positive economic indices are not phantom as cynics would want to assert.
Ms. Okonjo-Iweala said the achievements recorded in the transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, power, health and education sectors in the last two years of the Jonathan administration are a result of careful planning, fiscal discipline and unwavering commitment of Mr. President to the total transformation of Nigeria.
She said the 234 page publication titled “The Mid-term Report of the Transformation Agenda’ which the President presented at the public event will further inspire the confidence of Nigerians in the ability of the Jonathan administration to deliver on its campaign promises before the expiration of its tenure.

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