Thursday, 30 May 2013

Tonto Dikeh's ''Gangster Paradise'' Fotos.

What's your take? :-)


  1. Nonesense like always!

  2. Free her. Sweet gal. Wetin she do u? If na Beyonce now u go say very sweet. Let's learn to appreciate our own. No one is perfect. What's nonsense about the pix?

  3. Nonsense. .....wat d hell is She feeling like...who d hell is she?abeg I want to know how old she is .if na beyonce ..we know say na beyonce cos she's all dat',,but who d hell is Tonto biko?just a wanna be,if genevive or Omotola try dis I no go 2 blame dem buh tontos own na byforce..'I must be a popular pesin,I must be known abeg abeg abeg ....rubbish,she needs 2 locate hasef n identify wat she really wants 2 do wit her Tatafo talk am kapiiisssshhhh!!#brokenenglishaccent

  4. she's on a mag cover lukin sweet nxt she's on anoda lukkin cheap,she's so confused and clueless and lacking in talent evn common posing for pix she no fit.she needs help period

  5. Chai why is she grabbing her crotch abi craw craw dey worry her?the fotographer is so mean!shd ve directed her bettet!was probably telling imagine ur rihanna!copycaat tinz be innovative!

  6. Tonto is an apology
