Saturday 18 January 2014

Has Obama's marriage hit the rocks?

 Formidable: Michelle Obama with her husband
Looking frosty as he poses for that selfie
The Obamas are the world’s most scrutinised couple at the best of times, but it will be rare to find a guest at the bash who won’t be secretly watching them with particular interest.
After all, the last time they were pictured together — at Nelson Mandela’s memorial — the First Lady was looking none too pleased as the her husband posed for a ‘selfie’ photograph with the leggy blonde Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
Indeed, if the U.S. tabloids are to be believed, the relationship of Washington’s golden couple is facing problems that go far beyond dirty looks.

Under the headline Obama Divorce Bombshell!, the National Enquirer claims their 21-year marriage has dissolved in a string of ugly fights that were prompted by the Mandela memorial incident and — far more outrageously — Mrs Obama’s discovery that Secret Service bodyguards had been covering up infidelity on her husband’s part.
It’s an allegation the White House has declined to comment on, though after Bill Clinton’s trouser-dropping scandals, Americans would be rather less sanguine about any extra-marital activity than the French appear to be over President Francois Hollande’s behaviour.
Mrs Obama, the Enquirer claims, intends to stand by her husband until his presidency is over, at which time he will move back to Hawaii, where he grew up, and she will stay in Washington with their children.
For the moment, they are allegedly sleeping in separate bedrooms after Mr Obama’s attempt to ‘mend fences’ backfired so badly on a recent Christmas getaway to Hawaii that he returned to Washington with their two daughters, leaving his wife behind.

The National Enquirer, it must be said, quoted only anonymous insiders in support of these sensational claims, and is hardly the most reliable source of hard news.
Obama advisers are certainly not talking as if there is any scandal in the offing.
The couple are ‘role models for parents all across the country’, according to old friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett. ‘She’s at the top of her game. She’s fabulous at 50.’
But everyone remembers how the Enquirer famously got it right when it claimed the supposedly squeaky clean Democrat presidential contender John Edwards had fathered a love child by a former campaign worker.
Thin as its story may seem at the moment, might it be on to something again?

But if the rumours are true, and there were more painful reasons for Michelle’s reluctance to rejoin her husband, this would not be the first time such tensions have apparently surfaced.

According to UK Dailymail
Since he was elected President, two books have claimed the couple came close to splitting in their early years together, with Mrs Obama even drawing up divorce papers after deciding his burning political ambition was ruining their chances of domestic happiness.
In 2009, veteran Washington reporter Richard Wolffe claimed that the marriage almost collapsed nine years earlier because of Obama’s political drive and the family’s shattered finances.
‘There was little conversation and even less romance. She was angry at his selfishness and careerism; he thought she was cold and ungrateful,’ wrote Wolffe.
At the time, Mrs Obama had only recently become a mother — their daughters Malia and Sasha are now 15 and 12. Her husband, whom she had met while they were both working for a Chicago law firm in 1989, was a mere State Senator in Illinois who had just been thrashed in a battle for a seat in Congress.
‘She hated the failed race for Congress in 2000 and their marriage was strained by the time their younger daughter, Sasha, was born,’ wrote Wolffe in Renegade.

In 2012, meanwhile, political writer Edward Klein claimed Mr Obama had become so depressed about his failing marriage in 2000 that friends feared he was contemplating suicide.
Mrs Obama had been furious because she had warned him not to fight the disastrous Congress election battle which he lost, said Klein.
‘During the dark days that followed his defeat, he turned to Michelle for comfort. But she was in no mood to offer him sympathy,’ wrote Klein, who claimed Michelle’s friends told him she had even drawn up divorce papers.
‘He had dashed Michelle’s hopes of creating a stable and secure future,’ he wrote. ‘As a result their marriage was on the rocks, and Obama confided to friends that he and Michelle were talking about divorce.’ 
Could the couple have reached such a crisis again?
In an interview published to coincide with her birthday, Mrs Obama who turned 50 yesterday,provided glimpses of a woman who — after devoting years to her husband’s career and raising their children — now feels ready to put herself first.
The formidable and often forthright First Lady, who has routinely been portrayed as the one who really wears the trousers in the Obama household, says she wants to be more like her mother.
‘She does exactly what she wants to do every single day without apology,’ Michelle said.
Long an icon of wholesomeness with her campaigns for regular exercise and healthy eating, Mrs Obama even admits she wouldn’t rule out plastic surgery or Botox to keep her looks: ‘Women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves.’
Her life is ‘ever-evolving’, she says, adding: ‘I’ve got to keep figuring out ways to have an impact.’
‘There was little conversation and even less romance. She was angry at his selfishness and careerism; he thought she was cold and ungrateful’
- Washington reporter Richard Wolffe

Fingers crossed it's all rumors, but you know what they..''no smoke without fire''..really hope they don't split!


  1. The strain of a marriage in politics can be quite tiugh and I hpope they pull tru but Michelle is a really tough cookie!

  2. She has always being the one with the brains and he'd be totally lost without her, and I feel sorry for their daughters. Michelle is a hard no-nonsense person tho.

  3. Oh noooooo, this must be a sick joke!

  4. Every marriage has igs ups and downs and when ur constany in the limelight its ev en worse. I don't think its a big deal really I hope they stay together.

  5. I hope they work it out,most married couples have contemplated divorce at one time or another.

  6. If Obama has been unfaithful he should know by now that nothing done under sun is hidden for long especially in America. People should learn from other people's mistakes.

  7. Na so nah, they are like mother and son. She's so mature and Obama seems a little boyish/childish.

  8. That Mandela's funeral picture is so hilarious!lmao!! Sorry Michelle!

    1. Shows how immature Obama can be,under the full glare of millions! He sure wasn't thinking

    2. That's men for u.smh

  9. I hope this is not true

  10. Hook and sinkers. Another media hallucinations and the readers are swallowing it whole. Where is this coming from, PM news?

    1. Which one is PM News? Shine your eyes and read well so you can see the source, dunno why people are too lazy to read but in a hurry to write what they dunno.smh

    2. Are you sure u are ok? Or high on hero beer? PM News ke?
