Saturday 18 January 2014

Picture of gay couple taking care of their kids sparks outrage.
Kordale and Kaleb shared the photo below and a few others with their ''kids'' and it sparked a lot of hate on Instagram. The hate tweets have been deleted. The gay couple have two girls and a boy.
The hateful comments were so bad that Kordale and Kaleb had to release a statement to defend themselves:

As far as the positive; yes we are two gay men with three kids who have no problem with preparing them for their education every morning. Our kids are blessed to have three parents (Kordale, Kaleb and their Mother) who love, care and support them in every decision they have made and will continue to make as they get older.
In regard to the negative, people fail to realize that we are people too with kids who love us. We do what is necessary for them to succeed in this ever-changing world but it's sad that we're discriminated against because of our sexuality and/or what we do behind closed doors — which is no one's business.  
In the same breath, we take all of what's been said in stride. The picture was put out on social media for an opinion so we can't be mad when people give just that: an opinion. People tend to think that gay people cannot raise their children to be heterosexuals. Instead, they have derogatory thoughts of us "tainting" our children or "confusing them" with what society sees deems as wrong an unmanly because we're gay.  
But this is all comical because people forget where a lot of gays come from: a heterosexual household.'s your take?


  1. This is totally outrageous and unacceptable. If they were in naija they would be stoned!

  2. What a sad sad waste of two handsome men that would have been better off with women. Won't this ''setting'' affect and damage these kids and even breed more homosexuals?

  3. Never thought I would live to see this and to think that it's happening in my lifetime makes me shudder. The only thing left is for the world to finally end. What is the delay?? I have seen enough and worse than sodom and gomorah

  4. Shameful!!!! Shameful!!!! Shameful!!! Goes against nature!

    1. You are shame to God. Did you create nature? Smh

    2. Who is this disgusting homo@bukola. This place is not for people like u.

    3. @ bukola,so u r one of those shit eaters! Smh

    4. Nigerian women don't eat shit FYI!. But I won't allow this stupid Bumi to be dehumanizing people with her ignorance ass. And who are you guys to tell me what place is for or not for me? Smh.

  5. Normal sex which is between a man and a woman is commonplace cos premarital sex is no big deal anymore. People start haveing sex at an early age,by the time they are 20 its boring and they want something new. From kinky sex to paedophiles and homosexuals,bisexuals etc. Its not normal its as simple as that.

  6. No matter how hard they try or whatever they do they will never look normal. God help us all!

  7. We should go back to the days when premarital sex was a taboo. You'll be so grateful to have sex eventually when ur married at maybe 25yrs that u won't know the meaning of gay.

  8. They are just selfishly and desperately trying to raise a new generation of gays!

  9. Kids look up to their parents so no matter what they are taught they'll think being gay is normal cos that's what they know. Too bad!

  10. May God have mercy on them.

  11. Very soon the western world will endorse a marriage between a man and a dog and tell me its human and animal rights

  12. Well said everyone! Well said! Its horrible & more pathetic dt dis sweet kids are exposed to dis! Those girls will grow up to be sluts & d boy a pimp if care is not taken! May God have mercy & save their souls- d devil is having a blast in all dis.. End time is here!

  13. Lord have mercy! O gini?

  14. ya kpotuba..hell has been let loose on earth with the advent of perverts.

  15. Exposing the little ones to such insanity makes me feel bad

  16. Funny how everyone commenting on this page is bringing God and Jesus into such hatred condemnation of what they deem righteous opinion. Well, Jesus Christ made it clear that he came exclusively for sinners. What a shocker to know that these family may make heaven while some or all of you guys wouldn't. Remember hatred is the worst of all sins. The whore Mary Magdalene in the scripture was respected and loved by Jesus, hence, He made id clear that self righteous indignation disgusts him even more than other sins. Why? Because "some people are pots calling kettles black". No sin is smaller than the other. So I suggest y'all learn how to be better Christians by showing love in dealing with sinners to prevent eternal condemnation because that is what such judgmental hatred leads to. In between. I am heterosexual but I stand in no way concerned about the existence of gay people because we are all God's creation whether I like it or not. And also because I am scared of what God will do to me on judgment day if I prejudiced against these people while still on earth, as he said never to judge as judgment is for the Lord alone. God bless us all.

    1. Well said but it still doesn't make it right for them to throw their homosexuality in the faces of ppl who don't believe in it. We are sad at this despicable display doesn't mean that we condemn nor judge them they just need to ask themselves why all the uproar against if their actions are right? Christians are sinners battling to overcome their sins and be like Christ and in that we fall but must get up and keep trying

    2. Na monkey dey write this one abi na human being?!

    3. He who is without sin shd cast the first stone...but then again commiting sin and not feeling contrite is worrisome or not even knowing its wrong is worse and also exposing innocent kids to sin. We all need prayers including homosexuals

    4. Don't u think some are greater in gravity than others? Thou shall not defile thy body for its the temple of the Holy Spirit! Sin against the Holy Spirit is grave

    5. For this reason Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed

    6. Well, what can I say? My post is mainly to remind you all about the word of God in Matthew 7. If you guys think my post makes the gays stronger, then so be it. I really wonder what gives you guys the right to remove the log in their own eyes, when you guys haven't removed yours.
      @ Anonymous 16.07, all sins are equal before the law. If your division of sins was right, then Mary Magdalene won't have a chance before Jesus. You know her body was also miss used right? Please don't confuse your self. Because you guys have been made to view some sins as normal as it pleases you and the ones that don't as taboos; doesn't make it so in the presence of God.

  17. These homosexuals keep gettin stronger and bolder by comments made by Anon 14.57

    1. Well, what can I say? My post is mainly to remind you all about the word of God in Matthew 7. If you guys think my post makes the gays stronger, then so be it. I really wonder what gives you guys the right to remove the log in their own eyes, when you guys haven't removed yours?
      See how you are busy fighting them as if they are threats to your personal existence. Why don't you channel your energy into praying for them rather than fighting their choices. Do you even think that on the last day for judgment that God will be like, "Son or daughter...all your unspeakable personal sins are forgiven because you came and ruthlessly fight over gay rights on social medias or even followed the Nigerian band wagon to lynch or kill suspects?". Trust me, our judgments will be on what we did rather than what we didn't do. Shocker!!! For me, that family looks happy and aren't hurting anyone. Let them because majority of your heterosexual family including mine, never got such happiness.

  18. Homosexuality is satanic period!

  19. Am glad its been banned in naija atleast asylum seekers from naija can flock to America cos it will be an easy way to get visa to US lol

  20. Anyone lightly advocating for this demonic act, in the name of 'don't judge' needs to viewed with suspicion. Maybe he/she forgets that it was such sins that moved God Almighty to destroy sodom n gomorah in Holy Anger. Yes sin is sin, and we are not all perfect. But taking a seat back and watching the very fabric of human existence distorted before our very eyes, is cause for deep concern and prayers. Don't forget your children might be victims of this dementia, and if you are still talking so coolly then, well......

    1. Suspicion? That's the problem. Most people who aren't speaking against this madness all in the name of 'anti gay' law, is because they are scared of people like you tagging them gays too. Guess what? I don't care! I have my beautiful wife and kids, that won't stop me from fighting for the gays because they are humans who need love and direction. For all I know, they may also want to be normal sexually but can't seem to help themselves.
      Interesting how when people want to fight with the bible, they quote the old testament and when they want to make peace, they use the new testament. Shouldn't that be a guide to us all that Jesus who is the truth and the light emerged in the new testament to change and modify the laws of Moses? Moses is an advocator of "an eye for an eye" while Jesus preaches "..turn the other cheek for the second slap"..meaning tolerance.
      Rexy, you are just thinking one sided just like every other person supporting you. Children can be victim of anything ranging to heterosexual rape, child abuse, molestation etc. Being gay doesn't make this a contributing factor.
      What if nemesis catches up with your type and all your kids become gays? what will you do? Imprison or kill them all? I am appalled with people's train of thoughts. Other people's dead are often viewed as logs of wood until it reaches our own families before we recognize that death is for everyone.

    2. Thank you my brother.

    3. So we should all fold our arms and look the way way? Please I don do @anon 19.17

  21. Everybody don dey quote bible if na bible quotin go take us to heaven ever naija for enter straight

  22. No matter how long and well we argue this gay thing here will it make any difference? But it still doesn't make it right. Why should this couple share this personal pixs online? What are they trying to prove? A sin is a sin whether its homosexuality, rape,murder, etc we shouldn't stomach them unless we are cowards!

  23. Who is the 'woman' it the light skinned man?

  24. This is simply disgusting! Why do they have to involve children? They should stop them from adopting kids for Christs sake.if they can't make one themselves,they should forget it.for the anonymous who thinks d family looks happy,you don't know what happiness means.pls Africans we must not swallow everything that is dished out by America.its high time we upheld our values and stand by them.these things rub off on the society wrongly.its horrendous!

  25. From The Anti- Gay Coalition of Nigeria to Oyinbos:-You asked us to wear coat under hot sun, we did!You said we should speak your language, we obediently dumped ours!You asked us to tie a rope round our necks like goats, we obeyed!You said our ladies should wear dead people's hair instead of the natural ones God gave to them, they obeyed!!You said our decent gals should wear 'catapults' instead of the conventional panties, they obeyed!You asked us to use rubber in order to control our birth rate , we obey even when it denied us sweetness of sex!Now you want our men to sleep with fellow men AND women with fellow women so that God would visit us like Sodom and Gomorrah...? Oyinbo, we say tufiakwa! Na by force to be your friend? we no go gree with you this time. As Nigerians we say NO to gay relationships.=)) Spread the message against homosexuality

  26. Kai laff wan kill me here! I like dis hilarious but honest anlogy @ 19 january 18:50 so true! Sooo true!
