Wednesday 28 January 2015

First Lady, Michelle Obama's show of defiance.

Michelle Obama
From Yahoo News:
As a delegation of dozens of Saudi officials — all men — greeted the Obamas in Riyadh, some shook hands with Mrs. Obama. Others avoided a handshake but acknowledged the first lady with a nod as they passed by.
Saudi Arabia imposes many restrictions on women on the strict interpretation of Islamic Shariah (shah-REE’-yuh) law known as Wahhabism. Genders are strictly segregated. Women are banned from driving, although there have been campaigns in recent years to lift that ban. Guardianship laws also require women to get permission from a male relative to travel, get married, enroll in higher education or undergo certain surgical procedures.


  1. I like her African print Jacket/Top.... at least women over there could be liliberated somewhat with her, being herself there...

  2. More like a show of regard for the Arab culture with her lovely and modest attire. Live and Let Live! Like the saying goes, When in Rome....
    P.s the arab world boasts the highest number of female medical doctors in the world, Word! Imagine the number if permission slips written....looool.....Indeed they r getting there slowly but i dare say most surely
