Sunday, 27 September 2015

Buhari addresses UN: Promises end to capital flight and oil theft in Nigeria.

credit: @TheGreenVilla

President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday, in New York, addressed United Nations Plenary Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, during which he promised that his administration will address the problem of capital flight and oil theft which have seriously affected the Nigerian economy.
President Buhari similarly reiterated his commitment to transparency and accountability in the way in which the country’s revenues are managed, stating that aside attempts being made to improve and streamline internally generated revenue in the country, he would also plug all loopholes.
Buhari lauded the adoption of the Post-2015 Global Development Agenda, saying that he was pleased that world leaders had reaffirmed their commitment to sustainable development, international peace and security, and the protection of the planet.
credit: @TheGreenVilla

Buhari said, “These are really the major issues of the day. For the first time, we have at our disposal a framework that is universal in scope and outlook, with clearly defined goals and targets, and appropriately crafted methods of implementation.
credit: @TheGreenVilla

“The Declaration that we have adopted today testifies to the urgency and the necessity for action by all of us. It is not for want of commitment that previous initiatives have failed or could not be fully realised. What seemed to be lacking in the past were political will and the required global partnership to pursue and implement the programmes to which we committed ourselves.
“This Declaration enjoys global consensus. We have agreed to deliver as one and to leave no one behind. This is a promise worth keeping. We have agreed to create viable partnerships and to adopt the means of implementation for the goals and targets of the global sustainable development agenda in all its three dimensions; namely economic, social and environmental.
Buhari addressing UN 3

Noting that illiteracy, hunger and diseases are associated evils that go hand in hand with poverty, the President urged the world leaders to do everything possible “to eliminate these ills from our midst by 2030 as the Declaration loudly proclaims.”
“The bottom billion that has neither safety nets nor social protection, need to be rescued from their perpetual state of hopelessness, fear and indignity,” Buhari said.
Story: Facebook/femi.adesina

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